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Service-learning and volunteering are foundational elements of Concordia’s mission to “serve God and humanity”. The Center for Student Engagement can provide you with many opportunities to give back and serve your community through both academic courses and co-curricular programming.  With annual events like Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service and Live with Purpose, nearly every student at CSP participates in service.  Looking for other ways to get involved? The Center for Student Engagement also houses study abroad opportunities, student activities, and our Ignite Leadership program.


Over 9,200 hours of service completed.


Non-profit organizations students can volunteer with through Handshake.

96 %

Students who cited service trips met or exceeded their expectations.

  • The Center for Student Engagement can provide aide and resources for integrating service-learning into curriculum, evaluating and assessing service-learning projects, principles and practices/models of service-learning, various issues and topics related to civic engagement and education, and connections to community organizations, as well as professional development opportunities. The Center for Student Engagement staff can help connect faculty to community needs and help match students with volunteer opportunities that meet their interests and talents.

    Faculty interested in creating new service-learning opportunities should reach out to


  • Every year, Concordia University presents service-learning awards – one to a student and one to a faculty/staff person — to recognize significant accomplishments and contributions in the field of service-learning and public or community service.

    Student Community Building Brick Award

    The Community Building Brick Award honors one student (junior or senior) who has made service an integral part of his or her college experience through significant contribution to the community.  Recipients demonstrate both a breadth and depth of commitment to a community organization or social issue.  These students are pillars of their campus and in their communities.  They support the civic efforts of others and take leadership roles in addressing and finding solutions to issues that face their communities.  Student efforts may have been through service-learning courses, extracurricular programming, and/or entirely on their own initiative.

    • 2019-2020: Mumina Mohumud
    • 2018-2019: Hannah Gustafson
    • 2017-2018: Erin Devereaux
    • 2016-2017: Mikayla Smith
    • 2015-2016: Mariah Hoffman
    • 2014-2015: Elizabeth Bartels
    • 2013-2014: Paige Joosten
    • 2012-2013: Airrion Williams
    • 2011-2012: Heather Huckstadt
    • 2010-2011: Dominique Gilmer
    • 2009-2010: Shukri Bashir
    • 2007-2008: Laura Hillman

    Faculty/Staff Service-Learning Award

    The Faculty/Staff Service-Learning Award was created to recognize those members of Concordia’s faculty and staff who are committed and dedicated to the practice of service-learning.  Their work enhances student learning, civic responsibility and personal growth while meeting needs identified by community members.  Nominees will be considered based on the quality of learning opportunities provided to students, contribution to sustainable partnerships in the community, institutional impact made, and years of experience with service-learning.

    • 2019-2020: Dr. Cheryl Chatman
    • 2018-2019: Dr Jeanne Lojovich
    • 2017-2018: Dr Suzanne Hequet
    • 2016-2017: Professor Cate Vermeland
    • 2015-2016: Dr. David Woodard
    • 2014-2015: Dr. Jim Seeman
    • 2013-2014: Dr. Jayne Jones
    • 2012-2013: Dr. Bruce Corrie
    • 2011-2012: Dr. Rhoda Schuler
    • 2010-2011: Dr. Robert Holst
    • 2009-2010: Dr. Julie Jochum-Gartrell
    • 2007-2008: Dr. Richard Carter, Professor of Religion

    Student Service-Learning Award for Campus Compact Summit

    • 2019-2020: Hannah Gustafson
    • 2018-2019: Brooke Steigauf
    • 2017-2018: Diamond Cathcart
    • 2016-2017: Jordan Bruss
  • Here are many great ways to get involved in serving beyond graduation:

    • Campus Compact and Minnesota Campus Compact: Concordia University is a member of Minnesota Campus Compact, a coalition of 50 college and university presidents committed to strategic partnerships that strengthen communities and education for informed and active citizenship. As one of 25 state Campus Compact coalitions, MCC is also connected to a growing national network of over 750 college and university presidents committed to these same ends.
    • National Service-Learning Clearinghouse
    • National Youth Leadership Council: NYLC, based in St Paul, for 20 years has led a movement linking youth, educators, and communities to redefine the roles of young people in society through service-learning.
    • Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning: The nation’s leading journal dedicated to service-learning and civic engagement in education

I thought actively working with the local community was a great experience. I thought it offered insight as to how to be present with someone of a different language and culture and still mold a successful relationship.

Nicaragua service trip participant